Ryan Senn

White Card online - What changed?

Written by Ryan Senn

There is a lot of confusion around online White Cards. This article will try to explain why there is mixed information on online White Cards. For the basics, see what is a White Card?

Quick summary: Self-paced online White Card courses are only available to residents of Western Australia and Tasmania as of 2025. Residents of other states must complete the training face-to-face or through connected real-time delivery.

White Card delivery criteria

Changes to the delivery criteria of the White Card course occured in Queensland and Western Australia in 2019 as can be seen on the timeline below. In short, Queensland stopped the delivery of self-paced online White Card courses, while Western Australia limited the delivery to state residents.

White Card online - delivery criteria timeline for each state
White Card online - delivery criteria timeline for each state

Here is what WorkSafe Queensland has to say about the change:

Concerns about the effectiveness and quality of online training were raised by various stakeholders during the Best Practice Review of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland in 2017. In addition, similar concerns have been long held by work health and safety regulators in other jurisdictions including New South Wales and Victoria.

You can read the full article on the WorkSafe Queensland website.

The changes were introduced as a response to these concerns in February 2019. Western Australia regulators followed suite shortly after by restricting the WA White Card course to WA residents.

Can you complete your White Card online in 2025?

As of 2025, only residents of TAS and WA can complete their White Card training self-paced online. Residents of all other states and territories must complete the training face-to-face (in person classroom & virtual classroom).

White Card online - breakdown by states in 2025
White Card online - breakdown by states in 2025

Prior to 2019, QLD and WA allowed anyone to complete their White Card training online. Many residents from other states used to complete self-paced online QLD and WA White Card courses as a workaround to local state restrictions. With the loophole now closed, residents of NSW, VIC, SA, NT, ACT and QLD must complete the training face-to-face or via virtual classroom.

White Card training PPE demonstration

The training package introduced a change in December 2016, with an additional demonstration component added to the assessment, in which learners must demonstrate the correct fitting and wearing of common construction personal protective equipment (PPE).

This demonstration component requires the following 4 pieces of PPE:

  • Hard hat
  • High visibility retro-reflective vest or shirt
  • Hearing protection (Ear plugs or muffs)
  • Eye protection
White Card online - the required construction PPE
White Card online - the required construction PPE

When choosing to complete the training via a virtual classroom, participants must own or buy the 4 pieces of PPE in order to complete this demonstration component. Using your webcam, the trainer and assessor will assess the correct fitting and wearing of the PPE.

Buying the required construction PPE from Bunnings Warehouse to complete your White Card online will set you back by just under $40.

White Card QLD

Ready to book your QLD White Card course? White Card QLD booking